Woocommerce is increasingly becoming a popular choice as an ecommerce platform for many WordPress based websites. Hence, as agency we are keen to keep our clients’ online stores at the top of their compeititors.
These are 10 essential WooCommerce code snippets to enhance your store’s functionality and boost sales, without the need for additional plugins:
1. Custom Product Field
Want extra info on your products? This snippet lets you add a custom field to the product edit screen of your ecommerce platform.
2. Custom Order Status
Create a new order status to keep track of specific order stages.
3. Custom Email Notification
Trigger personalized emails to customers based on order status changes.
4. Dynamic Pricing
Adjust prices on the fly based on factors like quantity or user role.
5. Custom Checkout Field
Add a custom field to the checkout page to gather extra details from customers.
6. Custom Product Tabs
Create additional tabs on product pages to showcase more info or content.
7. Custom Product Shortcode
Use a shortcode to display specific products in any page or post.
8. Custom Order Status Email
Send custom emails to customers when their order reaches a certain stage.
9. Custom Product Query
Create custom product queries to filter products based on specific criteria.
10. Enhance Product Search Functionality
Improve product search by including custom attributes or tags in the search results.
And… that’s it! I hope you find will these snippets useful, they were all tested and they all work fine, but if you need tech help for your website, contact us here.